Library and Information Center

The mission of the Library and Information Center is to support and enhance the educational and research activities of the University, to manage and distribute specialized scientific information to the Academic Community and to participate in every educational and cultural activity.
Nine (9) central libraries, each belonging to the corresponding School of the University are available to faculty and students. The Computer Center is also an integral part of the Library and Information Center. The Library and Information Center’s collection consists of more than 1,000,000 items (books, periodicals, maps, cd-roms, etc.), thus making it one of the three largest libraries in Greece, along with the National Library and the Library of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The NKUA is a member of the Hellenic Academic Libraries Link, which offers a wide range of services to the members of the Academic community. Through the HEAL-Link portal (, the members have full-text access to the journals, e-books and a number of bibliographic databases. In addition to the aforementioned bibliographic databases offered via HEAL-Link, NKUA subscribes to a number of databases, which deemed necessary for research purposes. The NKUA is a member of the Hellenic Interlibrary Loan Network. The network was developed through the Hellenic Academic Libraries Link and is the official cooperation between organizations which are responsible for the operation of libraries & information services and interlibrary loan service in Greece and Cyprus, through the “IRIS” platform. In addition, in cooperation with Libraries, such as the British Library Document Supply Center (BLDSC) and SUBITO, the National Documentation Center handles international requests. The Library and Information Center handles “PERGAMOS”, the unified Institutional Repository / Digital Library of the University of Athens where Ph.Ds, undergraduate and postgraduate theses are deposited (https:// Electronic publication (e-publishing) of the NKUA journals is supported by the Library and Information Center. The e-publishing platform hosts scientific journals in digital form, which are produced, published or edited by NKUA ( Some of the Libraries have study rooms for Students with Disabilities, supported by the Accessibility Unit for Students with Disabilities of the NKUA. All electronic services offered by the Library and Information Center are supported by the Library Computer Center, which is one of its most important pillars. Finally, two Libraries belonging to the Students’ Union are also available to faculty and students
Address: Zografos Campus, inside the building of the School of Science