Kollias George
Neurophysiology, Physiology I, Physiology II
George Kollias is a Biologist, Member of the Academy of Athens, Professor and Director of the Laboratory of Physiology at the Medical School of the University of Athens and Associated Researcher at the Biomedical Sciences Research Center "Alexander Fleming". His lab has pioneered genetic approaches to study the function of cytokine signaling in animal models of human diseases, with specific focus on Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF). He is renowned for proof of principle preclinical studies that led to the development of anti-TNF therapies for rheumatoid arthritis and for advancing knowledge on molecular and cellular mechanisms driving chronic inflammation and autoimmunity. George Kollias has published over 200 primary research articles in peer-reviewed journals and more than 45 reviews and commentaries (>42.000 citations, h-index 92 - Source: Google Scholar). He currently coordinates the National Research Infrastructures InfrafrontierGR at BSRC Fleming and pMedGR at the Medical School of Athens. He is Director of the International and Transinstitutional Graduate Program in "Molecular Biomedicine” at the Medical School of Athens.