Gorgoulis Vassilis

Histology - Embryology I, Histology - Embryology II
Vassilis Gorgoulis (https://www.gorgoulis.gr/)
Dr. Gorgoulis is currently Professor and Director of the Department of Histology–Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, National Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (www.gorgoulis.gr). He is also Adjunct Professor at the Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy of Athens; Honorary Professor at the Institute of Cancer Sciences, University of Manchester, UK; Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Surrey, UK; and an elected European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) member.
Main research interests include: Mechanisms leading to genomic instability; The role of the DNA damage response (DDR) network as an anti-tumor barrier (eliciting apoptosis or senescence) and mechanisms leading to escape from these barriers; Development of new compounds and methods to detect senescent cells with precision; The role of the replication licensing machinery in cancer progression; Development of machine learning algorithms to predict biological/drug responses.
Prof Gorgoulis has established collaborations with more than 16 international recognized cancer research laboratories (www.gorgoulis.gr). For his scientific efforts he obtained financial support from domestic (>8,500,000 €), European (>6,000,000 €) and private sector (>2,100,000 €) grants.
Prof Gorgoulis has 306 publications in international peer-reviewed journals (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Gorgoulis) and >25,500 citations. He is among the most Highly Cited Greek Scientists internationally (https://sites.google.com/site/highlycited/highly-cited-greek-scientists), with h index: 74. His international recognition counts >150 communications in international conferences and seminars, and has contributed 12 chapters in international text-books.
Prof Gorgoulis received >30 awards and distinctions. He is a reviewer in >60 peer-reviewed scientific journals (Nature, Cell, Nat Cell Biol, Cancer Cell, Mol Cell, EMBO J, etc) and 30 National and International Funding programs (e.g. ERC reviewer and panel member; EMBO Young Investigators; Cancer Research UK, etc), and a member of 7 scientific societies. His work has been included among the most important scientific contributions in the field of carcinogenesis and cell cycle (Lavin MF, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 2008; Malumbres & Barbacid, Nature Reviews Cancer, 2009; Dobbelstsein M & Sorensen CS, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, 2015). Most of his top ranked publications (e.g. in Nature, Cell, Nat Cell Biol, Mol Cell, J Cell Biol) received instant recognition as they were accompanied by corresponding highlights in editorial articles and/or journal covers. 22 publications are featured as “All time article recommendations” on the F1000 Faculty Prime site, with one of them among the 100 top most influential studies of 2019 (https://www.altmetric.com/top100/2019/). He developed a pioneering senescence biomarker (commercially available under the trademark SenTraGor) and provided guidelines to detect senescence that include also the new biomarker (Cell 2019, Nat Protoc 2021).
Finally, Prof Gorgoulis has special interest in: molecular diagnostics in Pathology, and is the regional coordinator of the European Quality Assessment Scheme for testing KRAS mutations in colorectal cancer, established by the European Society of Pathology. He is also a coordinator of the Greek national: “Emblematic action to handle SARS-CoV-2 infection: Epidemiological study in Greece via extensive testing for viral and antibody detection, sequencing of the virome and genetic analysis of the carriers” (2020-2022) and his lab was appointed by the government as a national reference lab for COVID-19 tests.